Hey y'allTortosa just keeps spitting out miracles and Elder Riggs and I have afront row seat.This week was the marathon week. Normally as a missionary we have acouple meetings or something to break up the super hard work but thisweek we had no sort of thing! We worked a ton of hours out on thestreets and in people's houses but it was one heck of a time! I had agreat time! It was a lot of work though haha.This week's miracle stems from a miracle that happened two weeks agoas well. Two weeks ago our friend Orlin called us to tell us that hefinally got out of work! He was the miracle man that we prayed withuntil he got an answer that he needed to be baptized. Right after thathe took an all day every day job and was not able to come to churchnor meet with us for over a month. Now he finally got out of it! Butthat's not even the biggest miracle. A member from Honduras just movedinto Tortosa with some friends and we did not know where she lives fora while. We were trying to visit her and help her feel welcome for thepast 3 weeks but never had been able to do it. Well this week ourfriend Orlin invited us over to eat with him and the member was there!She is renting a room out in the same apartment as Orlin! How amazingis that! And even more amazing is the boyfriend of this member whoalso just moved here from Honduras. We asked him if he was a memberand told us "aún, no" which is basically saying that he know that hewill be one day soon! His name is Juan Carlos. So this new member thatwe have in Tortosa is going to be a great asset for us and so will herboyfriend and Orlin! We are very excited for their progression andtheir baptisms coming up here soon. Whatta promised land!!My companion Elder Riggs is amazing! We just had the longest week amissionary could probably have. Here in Tortosa there is no meetingswith church members because the leaders live in Tarragona and thisweek we had no Distric Meeting because of interviews for Tarragona. SoElder Riggs and I had the maximum amount of hours for proselytize timepossible! For some missionaries that could be tough to go that hardand never have a time to just sit down and be in a meeting! But ElderRiggs never even complained! He worked hard the entire week withoutletting up one bit in the end! Elder Riggs is a workhorse!I am still progressing very much! This week I studied a lot about thebasics of missionary work! I even studied about how to better mystudying! And as I studied throughout the week I found my studiesimproving and improving! I am looking forward to personal study nowwith anticipation!I love this mission. I'm glad to be here in the greatest mission onthe earth's great face!With gratitude for Tortosa,Elder BristolEnviado desde mi iPad
Hello to all,Well it is official. Tortosa is the promised land. It is the land ofmiracles. Elder Eiggs and I have seen more miracles than I thought waspossible 3 weeks ago. The Lord loves Tortosa and sure wants the gospelto be preached to everyone here! And it is so fun as well. Elder Riggsand I always have a smile on our face and it is just a great time tobe here with him.This week we decided to start focusing more and more on finding men toteach. We did that because here in Tortosa we have a ton of women andmany strong women that are helping the church unit here. We do nothave many men that regularly attend the branch so we have turned ourfocus to finding men. We asked God for help with this goal and thenthe miracles came as if the flood gates had opened. We were contactingone night and we decided to cross the street to talk to an oldSpaniard man who was smoking. We started to talk to him to see whathis religious background was and he told us that he has hadmissionaries over before and he loved it. That was a miracle but evenmore of a miracle was what happened next. We realized in the middle oftalking to this man that a car had stopped in the middle of the roadbehind us. The driver was a man from our English class who wanted tosay hello. We went over with him and then he invited us into his carand drove us to our next destination. While in the car he expressed tous that he wanted to know more about our church. He said he wasCatholic for most of his life then recently changed to Evangelical.But he said that he has always admired the Mormons and how they live.He was the answer to our prayers. Right now he is a leader in hischurch but he said he is taking seriously the teachings we are givinghim and that if God answers his prayers he will join our congregationin a heartbeat. This man, David, then offered a prayer and thanked Godfor us "the representatives of Jesus Christ here in Tortosa". What amiracle!Elder Riggs is amazing! He is the perfect missionary to have here inTortosa! I could not think of a better missionary to be here. He is aspiritual giant and works his tail off and is full of energy. I hopeto one day be half the missionary that he is! It is such a blessing tobe here with him.As for me I am doing really well. I feel like I have found a new gear.This transfer I have taken a new motto. It is actually a quote fromTim Tebow that I have always loved. It was after he lost a game thathe should not have lost while he was quaterback at the University ofFlorida. My mission modified quote of him says, "I promise you onething. A lot of good will come out of this. You will never see any[missionary] in the entire [mission work] as hard as I will [work] forthe rest of the [transfer]. You will never see someone push the restof the [companionship] as hard as I will push [Elder Riggs] the restof the [transfer]. You will never see a [companionship work] harderthan we will the rest of the [transfer]." And it is my promise. Thereis no one that will work harder than Elder Riggs and I for the rest ofthis transfer.I love the Lord. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and a son of God.With Vigor,Elder Bristol
Hello one and all!Good day to you here from Tortosa! Everything is going really wellhere! Elder Riggs is just what this pueblo needs and I am so excitedto be able to work here with him! We are having such a great time andare working really hard to grow the branch here. At times it is alittle tough without any other men that live in Tortosa but we aredoing our best and the Lord is blessing Tortosa a lot lately!Elder Riggs and I have decided to put a big emphasis on a couple ofour friends that we are teaching this week. We saw a great miraclefrom it! We have this man named Dani who is from Tortosa and has beenlearning from the missionaries for over three years. He actually doeseverything we tell invite him to do and is a great man. He has a 9year old son also named Dani who is really great. Well we had a greatvisit and for the first time we were able to get the 9 year old toparticipate in a lesson with us. Elder Riggs, being from Las Vegas,knows a good amount of card tricks so we got the 9 year old to comeparticipate with the card tricks. He came and then we taught a lessonabout our purpose here on earth and that while we are here we mustfollow Jesus Christ and learn more about him. So what we did is weinvited the 9 year old to follow Jesus Christ by being baptized and hesaid yes! Then we invited the father and he gave us a half-yes. Thefather's father just recently died and he has been struggling withthat lately but we are working on helping him regain his faith andregain the desires to follow Jesus Christ. Also if Dani and Dani Jrdecide to be baptized, then Dani Sr's brother will shortly follow! Sowe had a great miracle and are looking forward to their progress anddecisions to follow Jesus Christ.Elder Riggs is an absolute machine. He is a spiritual giant. I couldnot have picked a better companion for me right now! He is exactlywhat I need and I am so happy to be with. I am strengthening mytestimony and my faith just by walking beside him everyday! He is agreat one!As for me I am doing very well. I am still focusing on my nightlyprayers. I pray out loud now at night and I am praying with moreemotion so it seems more like a conversation with my Heavenly Fatherthan just a repetitive monotonous thing. I am surely progressingspiritually and it is muchly due to the prayers I have been havinglately!I don't know if I've ever written this but we have a rule here in theSpain Barcelona Mission that we must be home by 10pm. We are allowedto be outside until 10:30 if we are in a teaching visit. But if we areout in between 10:00-10:30, instead of walking home we sprint. We runto show our obedience and dedication to the Lord. Well this week weran home a lot and had a great run! We had to run 2 kilometers on fullstomachs and we did it in about 9 minutes. In our regular missionaryattire. Needless to say we got home very hot and sweaty and it waskinda gross. But it was a fun run!Aight, have a great week!Elder BristolEnviado desde mi iPad
How y'all doing?!How excited I am to tell yall about this past week! It was an amazingweek with my new companion Elder Riggs. He is an amazing missionaryand an even better person. I know for a fact that this was an inspiredcompanionship and I am going to be learning so much from Elder Riggsin our time together! It was such a great week needless to say.Tortosa is still the promised land and I am so happy to be here!This week as a miracle I would say it was the miracle we had of peoplestopping us to want to talk to us. We were walking home one night at9:45 when a woman called us over to talk to her on a bench. Wethought, "well that's strange, we are usually the ones stoppingpeople". So she stopped us and it turns out she had met a member ofthe church about a year ago but had never met the missionaries. Shewas really interested and we got to meet with her this past week forthe second time and we will meet her tonight again to teach more aboutprayer and the Book of Mormon and the Bible and the similarities foundin both and the necessity of the Book of Mormon. Then during theconversation with her when she stopped us, a man and his son came upto us and interrupted the conversation. He asked us if we were theMormons. We responded in the affirmative and then he began to tell usthat he has been looking for us and that he wants to learn more aswell. Elder Riggs and I split up and he finished talking to the ladyon the bench while I talked to the father. Then when elder Riggs wasfinished we testified very strongly to this man that God has a planfor him and his family. The man was so receptive and invited us overto his house! It was amazing. Miracles are waiting around everywherehere in Tortosa. You do not even need to search hard.Elder Riggs is truly going to make me want to be a better human being.I have never met anyone more sincerely converted to the Gospel ofJesus Christ as my great new friend Elder Riggs. He is absolutelyamazing. I have truly been blown away by the power of his testimony inJesus Christ and I am so excited to be with him! It is an absolutehonor.This week I have really focused on my nightly prayers. They haveimproved so much and I love it. I am applying something I learned fromElder Muncy where he would open and read a story from the scripturesafter his nightly prayer as well. In all of the random openings of thescriptures this week, I opened time after time to the phrase that says"I am the Lord thy God". Through this it has truly confirmed to methat God has a plan for me. I just need to try my best to be in tunewith the Spirit to receive his guidance.Also this week a little punk kid tried to spit on us and I got verylucky and it landed in between my shoes. It was pretty funny and it'seven more epic now haha. But no worries I am 100% safe here inTortosa.Blocking out the haters (or spitters),Elder Bristol
Well! Elder Cushing has left and it was an amazing last week with him!It was such a blessing being able to work side by side with someone sodedicated to the work! He was super good and ended with a booming 8friends who are not members in church on this past Sunday! It was sogood and such a huge miracle! I am so thankful for the opportunitythat I have had to learn and grow these past 12 weeks here in Tortosa!And it is absolutely true! I have learned so much these past twelveweeks and grown so much!The miracle this week has to be the 8 people that were able to come tochurch for us! We worked really hard to make this last Sunday forElder Cushing the best one it could have been and it so was! We had agreat time and invited everyone to church. 4 of the eight that came donot speak a lick of Spanish. One is from Jamaica and the other threeare from England. We have been working very closely with them tryingto get them to accept the gospel into their hearts and they allfinally came to church this Sunday! It was a miracle! Another girl whocame to church was a girl named Anggie who we have been working hardwith to accept a baptismal date and she came for the first time! TwoSpaniards came as well. One of them just had a death in the family sowe have been helping him to keep his faith in God throughout thesetough times for him. His son came with him and his son has a lot ofpotential to accept the gospel as well. Then a girl that is a memberof the church came for the first time in 4 years to church and broughta friend who is not a member! It was such a miracle! We jumped fromour usual 30 people in church to 44 this past week! It was amazing! Itwas such a good week! Great miracles!I learned a ton from Elder Cushing and I'm truly gonna miss him! He isa great man and I really got along with him! I learned most from himabout how to just be happy in whatever circumstance. So that wasamazing! I am so excited to be with my new companion Elder Riggs! Heis a great missionary and I have heard nothing but good things abouthim! He is so happy and I am going to learn a ton from him!I am really growing a lot here in Tortosa! I am learning a lot abouthow to be a beacon of light for people. Because here in Tortosa thereare not a lot of members nor believers in Christ so I have trulylearned how to be a beacon of light for the non-believers here and Iabsolutely love it!My new companion Elder Riggs is from Las Vegas and is amazing! We aregoing to get along very well and we are truly going to become closefriends! I can just feel it!Sending love from Tortosa!Elder Bristol
Hello Family and Friends!Everything is going very well here in Tortosa. The branch is goingwell. The members are stabilizing and everyone is working really hardto grow the congregation! It's so great to see the branch working sohard. Also Elder Cushing is coming to an end of his time here in themission and he is still working as hard as he can! It's great to seethe determination in him. He will not quit until the final buzzersounds and is a great example to me! I have been super blessed tolearn and grow with him for the past eleven weeks and we will see howthis last week goes for him!This week was filled with miracles as always but we saw the biggestmiracle in church on Sunday. We have had a little bit of troublegetting people to come to church lately because of the distance orbecause of work. So this week we took a focus on helping all peoplecome to church (those that are and are not members). We worked reallyhard and tried to make sure everyone could come to church and actuallywould come to church. We saw a miracle with a family that we have beenteaching my entire time here. They came to church for the first timein a really long time. They are from Jamaica and from England. Theyare very strong Seventh-Day Adventists but they took the step of faithand came to church here! It was so great to see them! They were eventhe first people at church. Another miracle we saw was with a memberof the congregation had not been to church in more than 5 years. She'sa young lady that has lost the faith and we just starting working withher two weeks ago. She came to church! We are super happy for this!Our great friend Iru has been really busy lately. He has been workinga lot so we have had to postpone a lot of things with him.Elder Cushing is amazing. He has done so well enduring to the end.People always label him as the energizer bunny because he is just sofull of energy all the time! He is great and has no off switch.I am doing well. I have been studying hand really thinking about howwe are going to make Tortosa a great self sustaining congregation outhere. I have been thinking really hard and praying really hard abouthow to best fortify this branch. I've gotten a couple answers and wewill see how it goes!Elder Cushing and I were talking today about how great this missionis! Here in Barcelona Spain basically every area has the beach in it.The landscape is literally a dream. We take a bus that goes by thebeach like 2 times a week and a train once a week. It's so crazy howblessed I am to be here!Elder BristolEnviado desde mi iPad
Hello to all!
We had a wonderful week finished off with a great conference yesterday
with 40 missionaries! It was very good! I learned a ton from the
conference. President Dayton, the mission president, taught about how
we can get the most out of our missions. He taught about truly giving
our hearts over to the Lord instead of just grudgingly following his
commandments. Because there is a difference! We need to follow the
commandments because it's truly what we want to do not because we
don't want to get in trouble. Then we are truly disciples of Jesus
This week was very good. We had a very normal week. It was fairly
stressful with problems in the area and with our friends that are
learning about the gospel. But our biggest miracle would have to be
our dear friend Iru. We were only able to meet with him one time this
week and it was amazing. We walked up to the place where we were going
to teach him and he was talking to 5 Spaniards that did not believe in
God. The amazing thing is that he was testifying to them about our
church. He was testifying to them about Jesus Christ. He was
testifying to them about the Book of Mormon and the Bible. It was so
great to see. He even asked all five of them if we could come share a
message with them one day. It was so rewarding to see the conversion
that has taken place with him. We are a little worried because he has
started to work a lot more lately and we do not want that to stop his
progression. So we are working with him to understand the importance
of church and the Sabbath Day. But he is moving swiftly towards a full
and wonderful life as a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints Saints.
Elder Cushing has had a very tough week. He has had to deal with a lot
of problems here in the area and in the district and he has handled it
very well. I am impressed every week with his humility and his ability
to lead. He is a great leader!
It is super hot out here now. The people are saying that it's way too
hot out here for May so I am not looking forward to the heat to come
in the later months of summer. Pray for me.
Elder Bristol
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