Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas & Happy New Year

What is up my friends?!
This has been a great week here! We had a huge conference with all of
the missionaries in the Barcelona area and that was great! The
president of our mission talked to us there and got us super pumped up
to find people ready to be baptized during the Christmas and new year
I got a new companion this week! His name is Elder Muncy and he is
from California. He works super hard and has just ended 6 months as a
missionary leader over the Islands Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza. We are
super excited to get to work together!
Our miracle from this week happened on Christmas Day. One of the older
spainiards we have been teaching here came to church for his first
time! We have been trying very hard to get him to come to church for a
little over 2 months now. The problem is is that his back is hurt
fairly bad. For the past two months he couldn't even walk. It even
hurt him to sit up. We worked super hard teaching him and it's been
great to see his progress. Christmas Day he came to church! He rode
his bike 30 minutes just to come to church! It was super crazy! He is
still in a lot of pain but had a great time at church and said he is
going to come back next week as well! We are super excited for his
This has been a great week and Christmas is a great day out here as a
missionary. You get to go tell people about Christ and his birth and
what his life means for all of humanity. The life of Christ is
amazing. Without Jesus Christ we could not return to heaven. Without
Jesus Christ we we be totally lost as a human race. But we are not. We
have a savior. We have a redeemer. And He is Jesus the Christ, the Son
of the Living God. I love Jesus Christ and I love His gospel.

With Love,
Elder Bristol


How is it going in this Christmas Season?!
Here everything is going super well! Well this entire week was a
miracle. We went into this week with nothing really happening. We had
a couple people progressing in the gospel but we did not really have a
ton of success going on. Then on Tuesday we had a meeting with our
friend from Cuba named Miguel. We taught him about baptism and then in
the end of the lesson we asked him what he thought about baptism. He
said he was ready he was just waiting on us to tell him when he was
prepared! We told him that he was prepared and he was so excited! Then
we asked when he thought he would be ready by to be baptized and he
said whenever we said. Then I told him that we would be having a
baptism this Saturday and that we feel that he is prepared. He said
yes and was so excited the entire week! We baptized him on Saturday
morning and I had the privilege of actually baptizing him. It was such
a great meeting. At the end of the service he bore his testimony about
how he was just starting his journey! He is so amazing! Only 4 weeks
ago we got back in touch with him and now he has been baptized! What a
miracle! And even more, he has plans of bringing his family to church
with him next week and the week after! He is an amazing man and we
were so blessed to meet him!
This is a great time of year! Remember in this Christmas season to
serve others! Christ was a gift to the world! Without Jesus Christ we
would not be able to return to live with God again after this life.
But we do have a Savior. We do and we know it! That is why during this
Christmas season we must show our love for the savior through service!
Go and serve!
Merry Christmas.
Elder Bristol


Wassup family and friends!
This has been a great week here in Badalona! We have a lot of work
going on and still a lot to do! The greatest miracle this week
happened with our great investigator Miguel from Cuba who I talked
about last week. He came to church again this week which was so great
and he had another great week at church. He loves the classes after
sacrament meeting and already has so many friends at church. One older
member of our congregation started talking to him yesterday and they
became quick friends! The older man invited Miguel over to his house
and Miguel was so excited! Miguel told us that he wants us to come
with him as well! Our congregation is being so nice to this Cuban man!
He knows basically everyone in church after two weeks and is super
excited to come next week. He is also going to come to our Christmas
dinner as a ward as well! He is so excited and we are going to try to
help him get baptized really soon! He says he is ready to get baptized
but just wants to be sure!
Elder McNutt and I are really great friends and we have such a great
time. I also worked for a day with elder Maurer who is from Australia.
He has been on his mission for almost two years and is such a great
missionary. I learned so much from him. Elder Orantes who I also live
with from LA is a super good missionary as well. They are our zone
leaders and work really hard!
This week I have learned a ton! The most I learned was about the
importance of service. When we lose ourselves and work once for the
benefit of others we are blessed. We become the people that God knows
we can become. I know that Christ lives and he is our greatest example
for service. He served his entire life. The least we can do is do a
quick act of service every day. Especially in this Christmas season.
Always remember Christ. What Would Jesus Do?

Love y'all!
Elder Bristol

Monday, December 5, 2016

Back to December

What is going on friends and family!
This week we saw a huge miracle. We found a Cuban man in October named
Miguel and taught him a couple of lessons and then we could not get in
touch with him for a couple of weeks. But last Sunday on our way home
from church we ran into him in the metro and rekindled our friendship
with him and then set up another visit with him. We met his entire
family for the first time there as well in the metro. We taught him
this week and it turns out he has not been baptized and is ready to
take that step in his life! He just wants to know which church to do
it in. We invited him to church in that visit and he was so excited to
come with us. We called him saturday night to confirm that he would
come with us and he was still so excited. We show up sunday and he was
dressed in a suit and was carrying the Book of Mormon! He said he even
bought the pants just to come to church. While in church he made a
comment in one of the classes that we were the light in his life that
he has been looking for and that we have been such a blessing for him!
And he also has already made plans to come next week! He also said
that he is going to make the rest of his family come with him when
they don't work as well! He absolutely loved church and is so nice to
us. He is so amazing! And we just ran into him on the metro last
Sunday! He is progressing well and we are super excited for him!
It is getting a little cold here in Badalona haha mostly because all
the buildings hide the sun all the time haha so because of that I have
been having to dress with more clothes every day haha. But everything
is going well here! Elder McNutt and I are having a great time!
The biggest thing I learned this week that the phrase "be of good
cheer" which is quoted many times in the New Testament is more of a
commandment to us that a promise of hope. It does not say be of good
cheer (if you like your job...if you have lots of money...if you are
watching the office). It means be of good cheer all the time!
Everything we have is from God! So be of good cheer! Love y'all a ton!
Be of Good Cheer,
Elder Bristol

Hey Yall

Hey y'all!
Hey! It's been a wonderful week here in Badalona. We have seen a lot
of miracles. The biggest miracle is the story of this man named Jakob.
He is from Kyrgystan and is about 65 years old and speakers seven
languages. He is one of the happiest men I have met here on the
mission so far. He was raised Muslim but has recently converted to be
a Christain. Elder McNutt and I contacted him about 2 weeks ago and
then about a week ago we ran back into him in the street! We set up a
return visit this time with him and it turns out he knows a little
about our church already! He has lived in Sweden before and told us
about how he had Mormon friends there. He has even attended a
baptismal service there! We had a great lesson with him this week and
gave him a Book of Mormon in Arabic. He said he will definitely read
it and pray about it! It was a super experience! He is so happy and
has a lot of potential! The biggest miracle is that he actually knows
a little about our church and even bigger that we gave someone a book
in Arabic and they are actually goi g to read it haha! But he
definitely is ready for the gospel!
I really appreciate how Elder McNutt has trained me. The first week I
told him to correct my Spanish any time I mess up and he has taken me
up on that. He has not relented one bit. And I have truly been blessed
because of his dedication to helping me improve. I have really seen
improvement this week and I am super thankful for him and his
This week I learned most about why we keep the commandments of God. We
keep the commandments not just because God has told us to. We don't
keep them just to check them off. We don't just read the scriptures
and pray because we have been told to everyday. We do this things so
that we grow. Our end goal in life is to truly become a Disciple of
Christ. When we keep the commandments we can feel the influence of God
in our life. But we truly follow commandments so that we become
someone that God knows we can be.
Everything is going well here.
GEORGIA. That's what I'm talking about lol.
Peace and blessings to all y'all!

Elder Bristol